On April 20-21, PathoCERT held its plenary meeting and Granada pilot in the city of Granada, Spain.
The pilot in the city of Granada is designed to simulate a scenario for the detection of possible pathogen contamination, threat assessment and incident management system following a contamination caused by the mixture of wastewater and drinking water caused by an earthquake in the city of Granada.
Granada area supplies water to a population of around 600.000 inhabitants that could be affected by contaminated water in case of an earthquake as some of the pipes in the distribution network and wastewater collection could be broken and cause mixture of the water types.
On Thursday, 20 of April, more than 230 people, 40 of them from other European countries, participated to the simulation on how to avoid water contamination in the event of an earthquake.
The 21st of April, pathoCERT held its plenary meeting where all partners updated each others on the latest developments within the project.