



The KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence (KIOS CoE) operates within the University of Cyprus. The Center was established in 2008 and was subsequently selected by the EU to advance into a Research and Innovation Center of Excellence in 2017, in collaboration with Imperial College London. The KIOS CoE is the largest research and innovation center in Cyprus on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) with an emphasis on monitoring, control, management and security of critical infrastructures. The goal of the Center is to conduct outstanding interdisciplinary research and innovation and produce new knowledge and tools that can be applied to solve real-life problems.

Demetrios Eliades
+357 22-893-461






National Technical University of Athens, sometimes known as Athens Polytechnic, is among the oldest higher education institutions of Greece and the most prestigious among engineering schools. It is named Metsovio(n) in honor of its benefactors Nikolaos Stournaris, Eleni Tositsa, Michail Tositsas and Georgios Averoff, whose origin is from the town of Metsovo in Epirus. It was founded in 1837 as a part-time vocational school named Royal School of Arts which, as its role in the technical development of the fledgling state grew, developed into Greece’s sole institution providing engineering degrees up until the 1950s, when polytechnics were established outiside Athens. A new campus, the Zografou Campus, was built in the 1980s.

+30 210-772-1000




The Bioelectrochemistry and Biosensors group, part of the Department of Analytical Chemistry from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iuliu-Haţieganu Cluj-Napoca, Romania (UMF) performs fundamental and applied biomedical research with two major focus areas: sensors development and separation techniques. The main fields of expertise related with PathoCERT activities are the design and development of electrochemical, optical and hybrid sensors for biomedical and environmental applications; the elaboration of analytical strategies for selective and sensitive detection and monitoring of compounds with practical relevance in the biomedical field, food safety and environment; the analytical characterization of the electrodes functionalized with different nanomaterials for sensors elaboration; the design and fabrication at small scale of screen printed and wearable sensors; and the experimental design and validation for separation and hyphenated techniques.

Professor Dr. Hab. Cecilia Cristea
+40 721 375789




Cetaqua is a foundation created in 2007 by Aigües de Barcelona, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).  A pioneering public-private partnership model created to guarantee water cycle sustainability and efficiency, considering the regional needs. The model has established itself as a benchmark for the application of academic knowledge to water and the environment, by creating products and services that benefit society. Cetaqua integrates, manages and executes research, technological development and innovation projects in the integral water cycle to provide innovative solutions to companies, public administrations and the society.

David Pacheco Modesto
+34 673 414 909




Eurecat is the leading Technology Centre in Catalonia, and the second largest private research organization in Southern Europe. Eurecat is involved in more than 160 R&D projects and has a customer portfolio of over 1.000 companies. Eurecat is currently participating in more than 70 EU funded collaborative projects (H2020, FP7, CIP, Life+, etc.). In addition to this wide experience at European level, Eurecat is also a strong player in the various R&D programmes sponsored by the Spanish and Catalan administrations, with more than 160 ongoing projects.  Eurecat R&D, innovation and training activities span from Industrial Technologies (metallic, plastic and composite materials, manufacturing processes, autonomous and professional robotics, functional printing and fabrics, simulations and sustainability) to Digital Technologies (digital humanities, big data analytics, IT Security and applied artificial intelligence, e-health, data mining and multimedia technologies) and Biotech (omic science and nutrition & health).

Mr Xavier Domingo / Mr Aitor Corchero
+34 673 414 909


The Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas, founded in 2000, is one of the largest research centers in Greece. CERTH has important scientific and technological achievements in many areas including: Energy, Environment, Industry, Mechatronics, Information & Communication, Transportation & Sustainable Mobility, Health, Agro-biotechnology, Smart farming, Safety & Security, as well as several cross-disciplinary scientific areas. CERTH participates in PathoCERT through the Information Technologies Institute (ITI) within the M4D group. In this project, CERTH leads the risk management activities and the contamination situation awareness Work Package and, in particular, social media and satellite data analysis tasks to detect and monitor pathogen-related events.

Stefanos Vrochidis
+30 2311257754
Ilias Gialampoukidis
+30 2311257810




KWR – Water Research Institute generates knowledge to enable the water sector to operate water-wisely in our urbanised society and climate challenges. At KWR, we have a sense of professional and social responsibility for water quality and availability. Our scientific findings and innovations offer practical solutions for safe and sustainable water availability in the Netherlands and internationally. ‘Bridging science to practice’ is KWR’s motto. Our researchers work at the interface of science, business and society. We have built a solid reputation as top-level innovation accelerators and international network builders, foster knowledge transfer and integration and increasingly play a coordinating role in national and international collaborations.





Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. is Europe’s largest application-oriented research organization. Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO specialises in the integrated planning, design and optimisation of innovative products, processes and structures. Under consideration of human factors, organisational aspects, technological solutions and the environment, IAO explores and evaluates new concepts of technology management, work organisation and work design, especially in the area of the development of advanced information and communication systems. IAO supports its customers in optimising their software development processes, in introducing new technologies and in the conceptual design, the evaluation and the implementation of complex software systems.

Christian Knecht




microLAN, based in Waalwijk, the Netherlands, is a company specialized in early warning systems for water quality monitoring based on light measurements. microLAN has developed a range of fully automated online monitoring devices for guarding the quality of drinking, surface and process waters. microLAN supplies three complementary systems that detect algae, bacteria and chemical pollutions. microLAN’s online monitors instantly response to a change in water quality, giving an alarm signal to indicate a possible water pollution.

The newly developed BACTcontrol detects the presence of bacteria – including E.coli and coliforms – in the water. The online monitoring is based on an enzymatic reaction performed by the bacteria that makes the degradation product visible for fluorescence detection. References of BACTcontrol users include water supply companies, environmental laboratories and operators of bathing facilities in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Finland and Spain.

The company conducts research and development through collaborations with customers and specialized research organizations focusing on new technologies and oriented to market demand. Its current products, which include the iTOXcontrol monitor and the ALGcontrol for monitoring algae species and bio-toxins, enable microLAN to provide quick, sensitive, environmentally-friendly and cost effective monitoring solutions





Aqua-Q is a technical applied research Swedish SME, founded in 1992.  Aqua-Q is a member of Stockholm Cleantech, WinWater Lund, Water Europe. It is engaged in applied research, innovation, pilot demonstration activities within drinking water & treated wastewater quality control for safety and security for process and consumers. Having gained extensive experience from Swedish municipality and industrial water treatment applications, Aqua-Q participates in international water H2020 projects. It also developed on-line optical early warning monitoring & sampling system AQUATRACK® to detect water contamination and removal by ozone polishing. ETV verified and recognised by IWA as the best market-changing technology in the world.

Ulla Chowdhury




PHOEBE Research and Innovation Ltd is an SME located in Cyprus, bringing together a dynamic team of high-profile scientists and engineers with long experience in research and technological innovation.

We are developing innovative systems and services, integrating IoT sensors and actuators with data analytics and diagnosis algorithms, for industrial systems and critical infrastructures.

Our vision is to make smart technologies accessible to industrial operators. Our solutions combine state-of-the art research in monitoring and control, cyber-physical security, fault diagnosis, robotics, semantic reasoning, optimization, artificial intelligence and machine learning, towards addressing challenges related to resource efficiency, waste reduction and security enhancement.

Dr George Milis
+357 99587884




Engineering (ENG) is currently the first IT group in Italy and among the top 10 IT groups in Europe. It supports the Digital Transformation of private/publics organizations for various business segments: Digital Finance, Smart Government & E-Health, Augmented City, Digital Industry, including Smart Energy & Utilities. ENG combines specialist competences in next-generation technologies (including e.g. AI &Advanced analytics, Cloud, IoT, AR-MR-VR, blockchain), the capability to interpret new business models and technological infrastructures organized in a single hybrid multi-cloud. ENG is among the main ICT players that support the FIWARE initiative. ENG is co-founder of the FIWARE Foundation, aiming at supporting FIWARE activities and the principles of openness, transparency and meritocracy which work as the pillars of the FIWARE community. Moreover, ENG is core partner of EIT Digital, member of EIT Climate-KIC, full member of BDVA, member of ECSO, EOS, IDSA, Water Europe, partner of AIOTI, founder of NESSI and participant to the 5G-PPP initiative.




The CSCP (Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production) is an international, non-profit think and do tank. Together with companies, political organisations and civil society actors, the CSCP pursues its mission to mainstream sustainability towards enabling the good life for all.

The focus of the Centre is on enabling sustainable consumption and production patterns. With its collaborative approach, CSCP accelerates change based on the special expertise of the Centre in the following areas: Lifestyles & Behaviour, Infrastructure, Products & Services, Business & Entrepreneurship and Policy. Within these areas we work as a think and do tank, specialising in collaborating with diverse organisations around the globe and across sectors. Together we work on the vision of a good life by identifying, developing and scaling transformative solutions.

Francesca Grossi
+49 202 459 58 – 29
Dimitra Ioannidou
+49 202 459 58 – 10





Water Europe (WE) is the recognized voice and promoter of water-related RTD and innovation in Europe. Water Europe was initiated by the European Commission (EC) in 2004 as the European Technology Platform (ETP) for water with the name WssTP. This ETP status was renewed by the EC in 2013 in line with its ETP2020 strategy. In 2007, WE was transformed into a member-based multistakeholder platform under Belgian law. Since then, the membership and activities of the organisation have continuously grown and evolved in line with its ambition to represent the whole value-chain of water and achieve a European Water-Smart Society.

Maria Mirachtsi




Cyprus Civil Defence (CCD) is a department of the Ministry of Interior. The headquarters are located in the capital and each of the 5 districts has its own CCD office. It operates a 24/7 command centre which is connected to the ERCC of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism in Brussels and it monitors the island wide electronic Early Warning System and the communication networks.  CCD’s main mission is the execution of different measures in preventing and overcoming the consequences of natural or manmade disasters and the performance of humanitarian tasks intended to protect the population against dangers and help them recover from the effects of war hostilities or disasters and provide the conditions necessary for its survival. CCD has extensive experience in planning, implementing and evaluating several courses and exercises, at national and EU level.

Eftychia Stokkou
+357 22403417




The Civil Protection Service of the City of Granada, incardinated within the Prevention, Fire Fighting and Rescue Service (SPEIS), is a public service belonging to the City of Granada whose principles of action within its sphere of competence include:  risk forecasting, oriented to adequate planning work, through identification and analysis techniques; the reduction of risks, through an adequate prevention policy, adoption of corrective measures, inspection activity and sanction; the preparation and approval of emergency plans and operational protocols; the intervention measures designed to alleviate as far as possible the consequences of the events produced; the rehabilitation programs; the training of citizens who may be affected by emergencies, information to them, as well as the training and recycling of civil protection technicians and personnel of the intervening services.

Sergio Iglesioas Asenjo
+34 638 91 63 00







The activity of the Ministry of Interior (MoI) is aimed at protecting citizens’ rights and freedoms, combating crime, protecting national security, protecting the public order and safety of the population and protecting the population.  The Communication and Information Systems Directorate (CISD) is a structure in the Ministry of Interior, which ensures the functioning and development of the communication and information systems of the Ministry of Interior and other state bodies. Some of the functions of the Directorate are: 1. Examining, building, maintaining and developing technically and functionally the National Early Warning and Alert System (NEWAS) for the executive bodies and the population in case of disasters and emergencies, providing communication and information to the Unified Rescue System; maintaining an up-to-date database of officials included in the disclosure groups; 2. Organizing and participating in the trainings on the use of the communication and information systems in order to inspect the state and readiness of the National Early Warning and Alert System; 3. Providing the technological support and participates in the development of the Aerospace Monitoring Center (AMC) by providing the possibility to exchange the received and processed information with the structures of the Ministry of Interior, other state bodies and organizations.

Diana Stoynova
+359 29826351




WATERNET is the water company for Amsterdam and surrounding area. We are the only water company in the Netherlands that is dedicated to the entire cycle. Waternet is the only water company in the Netherlands that covers the whole water cycle. They provide a safe, clean and sufficient supply of water. This includes water for nature areas and human consumption. Waternet works for the Regional Public Water Authority Amstel, Gooi and Vecht and for the municipality of Amsterdam. They provide a safe, clean and sufficient supply of water. This includes water for nature areas and human consumption. As our area lies below sea water level, we must ensure that its 1.3 million inhabitants are protected by our dykes.





Thessaloniki Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYATH SA) was founded in 1998 and is the second largest Greek publicly traded water & sewage utility company. It has the exclusive right to provide water and sewerage services in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Thessaloniki, through a 30-year exclusive concession agreement with the Hellenic Republic, effective from 2001. EYATH SA treats surface water by using cutting edge methods to produce and supply 250m3 of drinking water to 1,1 million citizens every day. Total number of company employees is to date 344, which are of various educational levels as well as highly-trained expert staff.

Caterina Christodoulou




SATWAYS is a leading provider of integrated Geospatial command and control solutions for Security and Public Safety applications for Police, Coast Guard, Emergency Medical Service, Civil Protection and Fire & Rescue operations, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Border Surveillance/Coordination and Crisis Management for Ports and Airports. With core technology built on open standards, Satways offers a range of mission critical enterprise solutions empowering governments and businesses around the world to make better and faster operational decisions. Based on an innovative modular platform, its product line includes C2 and C3I enterprise software packages that respond to different operational requirements of Public Safety Agencies such as Distributed Geospatial Data management, Operational Resources Tracking, Incident Management and Dispatch, Physical Security Information Management and Crisis Management Systems. The common goal though is to provide effective decision support, to simplify operations, to provide a Common Operational Picture (COP) and collaboration tools across organizations, to collect and disseminate data in the field and to coordinate response units and system users. Satways products are already used in 24×7 operational environments in the frame of several large scale projects with the latest being the Hellenic Fire Brigade IMS/CAD system at National level.

+30 2106840036





Hellenic Rescue Team (HRT) is a voluntary Search and Rescue Organization, that participates in search and rescue operations in response to emergencies and mass disasters, wherever they take place, whether in Greece or abroad. HRT’s headquarters is based in Thessaloniki, but the organization’s network consists of 31 branches all over the country.  With over 2.000 volunteers, HRT takes action in cases of mountain and sea accidents, as well as in urban search and rescue emergencies, like floods, earthquakes or fires. The Hellenic Rescue Team is certified by the Greek General Secretariat of Civil Protection, it cooperates with the United Nations’ INSARAG and is, also, a member of the International Commission for Alpine Rescue (ICAR) and the International Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF). The departments that operate in the Hellenic Rescue Team are as per below:

  1. Mountain Rescue
  2. Water Rescue
  3. Urban Search and Rescue
  4. First Aid
  5. Search Dogs
  6. Research and Technology
  7. Humanitarian & Social Care Department
Iosif Vourvachis
(+30) 2310310649




Sundosoft Ltd. is located in the Seoul, South Korea and the professional company in system integration business with the specialty on the database building and application development using GIS. We are providing the GIS based digital twin platform development, GeoAI based satellite image processing and object detecting, GIS and AI integrated bigdata analysis and there are many practical references in public and private sectors, “GIS based disaster situation management system development” of National Disaster Management Institute, “Ecosystem based marine spatial analysis and applicable technology development” of Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, and “Development of GIS platform system for heat and cold wave forecasting and effects” of Korea Meteorological Administration.

Sujin Son




Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) was founded as the first S&T research institute of Korea in 1966 and since then, it has continually played a leading role in national development and set the standards to become the national think tank of science and technology. KIST has 7 research divisions and 32 research centers, 2 overseas centers and global research laboratories in Europe (Germany), India, USA, France, Italy, and so on. KIST is focusing on frontier and global agenda research by concentrating on long term and interdisciplinary R&D projects, thereby strengthening its role as a national research institute. KIST conducts research to provide technological solutions for major water environmental challenges involving both water quality and quantity of affected water resources. Main research areas are water resource management, process engineering for sustainable water cycle, application and implication of new materials, and energy saving/harvesting environmental technology.

Seockheon Lee